Hi. I’m K Chiucarello. My friends, family, and sworn enemies call me KC. If you’re adamant on taking a stab at my last name, the ‘u’ is silent. I live in the Hudson Valley. 

When people ask me what I ‘do’, I usually suggest I’m a writer. It’s true: I love words. I love writing as a way of figuring something out. I love text that is deliberate and slow. 

You know Conjunctions? I edit over there. Here’s a super wild Lucy Ives piece we ran in Issue 74. I also edit for Empowerment Avenue, working with the talented Meech Buckley. I edit as an excuse to solve puzzles through sentence shaping.  

I also ~also~ tutor with a focus on creative writing and storytelling because the softest spot of me wants to pull stories out of everyone. I tutor within the carceral system, on behalf of Bard Prison Initiative, an initiative you should definitely, 1000% know of.


Some really lovely things have speckled my trajectory in the past years. I was named a runner-up for Epiphany’s Breakout Writers Prize in 2024. I was a Truman Scholarship finalist in 2022, advocating for broader education access in the carceral system.  In 2021, I was a Tin House scholar. It’s been a  good couple o’years. 

When I’m not writing, anyone can tell you I’m often sobbing over the perfect nuances in any given Springsteen song. Throughout the seasons, I have a long-standing commitment to learning every water hole within the Catskills. If you scroll this map and can point me towards a new swim spot, I promise to name a character after you in some eventual future work of writing. Tell me about that swim hole here, through the contact portal.


From 2022 - 2023 I blacked out for nearly seven months and miraculously wrote the entire shape of my debut novel, called NANNY NANNY (Ecco, Summer 2026). NANNY NANNY is a novel about a woman who becomes obsessed with the act of giving birth, following the fall out of a queer and violent relationship. It has unnamed narrator vibes and a will-they, won’t-they subplot. There’s also wealthy New York City children and a story about dimes.

Largely, it is a book about the overlaps of domestic violence and domestic labor. It is about how caretaking is front and center in both of those things. It is a story about storytelling and how women utilize narrative to build out the worlds around them. It is a story about how storytelling can dictate a body. It’s actually a quite funny book.

My writing generally is represnted by Emma Dries at Triangle House. Please contact her for any writing or lecturing inquiries. 

If you want a line directly to me or if you wanna talk shop about caretaking,
you can say hi through that same swim hole portal.

Chapters are going to break down into a tri-fold arc and look something like this


01. The Call    02. The Cemetary   03. Cull   


︎Water Works︎
Shenandoah ︎︎︎ November 2022

Hobart After Dark ︎︎︎ July 2022

 ︎Bless This Sex︎
Lit Hub ︎︎︎February 2022

︎ Telephone ︎
Epiphany ︎︎︎February 2021

︎ Watermelon ︎
Neutral Spaces ︎︎︎ January 2021

 ︎The Community ︎ 
Hobart After Dark ︎︎︎ December 2020

 ︎The Wedding Party ︎
Pithead Chapel ︎︎︎ November 2020

 ︎Comfort Decorating ︎
Apartment Therapy ︎︎︎ August 2020

 ︎Crush Log ︎
them. ︎︎︎ June 2020

︎ In The Five ︎
Longleaf Review ︎︎︎ May 2020

This photo
was taken by
